web design, typography, branding
10 Great Google Fonts for your website
7 August 2019

But it’s is also very easy to settle on the same overused fonts because they are and feel safe. If you look advice online you will find a lot of articles offering the same number of font families, usually the most popular ones. We are talking about Roboto, Playfair Display, Lato, Montserrat, Open Sans, and more.
Don’t get me wrong these fonts above are great, well balanced, easy to read, professional, elegant, etc. But for this post, I wanted to go through the Google Fonts directory myself and pick some less common fonts that can be a great addition to your website or brand.
Serif Fonts
1. Prata
Prata is an elegant and romantic typeface with sharp features and organic teardrops.There is a certain tension in the contrast of its serifs and soft refined curves.
Designed by Ivan Petrov for Cyreal.
(Find Prata in Google Fonts)
2. Judson
Judson is a beautifully rounded shape serif typefacedesigned for African literacy. Its delicate and curvy terminals give the font an old school feeling but with a modern twist.
Designed byDaniel Johnson
(Find Judson in Google Fonts)
3. Petrona
Petrona is a gorgeous and easy to the eye font with gestural strokes for finishing features and uniform heights.
Designed byRingo Romain
(Find Petrona in Google Fonts)
4. Cormorant Infant
This is one of the many Cormorant families, which are all beautiful and gracious, this family is particularly delicate and harmonious.
Designed byChristian Thalmann.
(Find Cormorant Infant in Google Fonts)
5. Rozha One
Rozha One is a very high contrast Open Source font. Its letters thick and thin strokes make it an excellent choice for large headlines and poster-sized graphics.
Designed byIndian Type Foundry.
(Find Rozha One in Google Fonts)
San-Serif Fonts
6. Poppins
One of my favourite fonts, a nice geometric sans serif with uniform heights and weights, it creates a stunning heading option.
Designed by Indian Type Foundry.
(Find Poppins in Google Fonts)
7. Karla
Karla is a grotesque sans serif typeface family, with Roman and Italic styles in two weights, Regular and Bold, try it in all caps and you’ll fall in love.
Designed byJonny Pinhorn
(Find Karla in Google Fonts)
8. Quicksand
Quicksand is a display sans serif with rounded terminals, it uses geometric shapes as a core foundation, its shapes and weight gives this font a cute personality.
Designed byAndrew Paglinawan
(Find Quicksand in Google Fonts)
9. Palanquin Dark
Palanquin Dark is the heavier display family, with 4 weights. The Palanquin family is versatile and strikes a balance between typographic conventions and that bit of sparkle.
Designed byChristian Thalmann.
(Find Palanquin Dark in Google Fonts)
10. Questrial
Questrial is great for body text and headlines. It’s modern style, suited with past characteristics of great typefaces, make it highly readable in any context. The full-circle curves on many characters make Questrial a great font to blend seamlessly with others.
Designed byJoe Prince.
(Find Questrial in Google Fonts)
Wrapping up
Choosing a font it’s not an easy task, not even for designers. It’s not just about how much you like a font, it’s also about how you pair it with others, how it fits with your brand, your colours and layouts, etc. Getting the right fonts and its combination will help your brand communicate its values and personality.
Google Fonts is an amazing free resource for designers and developers, it will also recommend the best pairing fonts once you have selected one. The open licence allows personal and commercial use, but remember always to double-check the licence restrictions before using them.